The Warsaw Security Forum, a Unique Debate about European Security

di Mario Ghioldi - 16 Dicembre 2019

 from Warsaw, Poland

   DOI: 10.48256/TDM2012_00069

The Warsaw Security Forum, a leading conference in Central and Eastern Europe

The 2019 edition of the Warsaw Security Forum (2nd and 3rd October) focused on different topics including the security in Central Europe, the  20th anniversary of Polish membership in NATO, and  transatlantic relations. Despite its recent history, this forum gathers more than 1500 people coming from politics, think tanks, journalistic and private sectors. Beyond debates on security, many sections of the conference concerned other items related to geopolitics and regional conflicts.

The WSF’s mission

Beyond the historic scope to strengthen the partnership between  European and Transatlantic institutions, the WSF is becoming a meeting point for private firms and analysts. Those figures that have the opportunity to share their ideas and thoughts about the most important topics of economy, security and politics. As a consequence, private and public actors can also talk about future projects and partnerships on the mentioned items.

The agenda

The key moments of the forum concerned various ministerial sessions where panelists talked about security and the role of NATO . Beyond these important meetings, the agenda presented plenary sessions and different side events. The first ones concerned the role of the EU, Russia and NATO in the current geopolitics. Differently, the side events offered a vast range of topics for the participants. Events focusing on conflict analysis in different areas of the world were alternated with discussions about Brexit, climate change and migration.

 The international participation

This year the Warsaw Security Forum involved 150 panelists and more than 1500 participants coming from 50 different countries. Speakers included  important political and defence actors of geopolitics and international relations. For example, the audience had the chance to hear: the General Secretary of OSCE Thomas Greminger, the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkēvičs, the Maltese Minister of  Foreign Affairs Carmelo Abela, the Minister of Defence of Montenegro Predrag Bošković and the former Croatian Minister Vesna Pusić.

The Think Tank Trinità dei Monti itself had the opportunity to attend this prestigious forum. The Young Think Tanker Mario Ghioldi, invited by the organizers, was present at different side events of the conference focused on various topics such as the role of Russia in Europe and in the world.


Autore dell’articolo*: Mario Ghioldi, Dr. in International Studies and Diplomacy presso L’Università degli Studi di Siena; Master in Diritti Umani presso SIOI.


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Editor’s Note – Think Tank Trinità dei Monti

As always, we publish our articles to encourage debates, and to spread knowledge and original and alternative points of view.

* The contents and the opinions of this article belong to the author(s) of this article only.
