
Marianne Borgen

Sindaco di Oslo

Mayor Marianne Borgen was born in Oslo in 1951 and grew up in Groruddalen in Eastern Oslo. She is married and has three adult children and six grandchildren.

Mrs. Marianne Borgen was first elected Mayor by the City Council in 2015. She was reelected in October 2019 for a new 4-year period. As Mayor of Oslo she is Head of the City Council and the highest-ranking representative of the city.

Mrs Borgen has a degree in sociology from the University of Oslo with a specialization in social policies and medical sociology. She has worked with children’s rights on both a national and international level for more than 25 years.

Mrs. Borgen was elected as a member of Oslo City Council for the first time in 1979 for the Norwegian Socialist Left Party (SV) and has been a member of the City Council since 1995.

As Mayor she has been a member of the Standing Committee on Culture and Education, and since her reelection in October 2019, member of the Standing Committee on Health and Social Welfare.

Mayor Borgen is particularly preoccupied with children’s and young people’s rights and the conditions in which they grow up. Through her work as a Head of office at the Ombudsman for Children and at Save the Children, she has worked in particular with prevention of violence and assault against children, and the situation of the children of asylum seekers and minors who seek asylum.

